Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Info for Dentists
An inherited connective tissue disorder where a gene mutation creates weakened collagen throughout the body. Collagen is a building block of several different systems throughout the body: musculoskeletal, neurological, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular. This can cause a number of different symptoms with a wide variety of presentation between people
Possible Symptoms
Musculoskeletal: pain, dislocations, muscle tightness, poor posture, headaches, chronic fatigue
Cardiovascular: lightheadedness, dizziness, poor
endurance, fainting, referred heart pain
Gastrointestinal: constipation, IBS, issues with eating GERD, bloating
Neurological: poor balance, poor coordination, increased pain perception
Other: easy bruising, skin hyperextensibility, poor immune system, anxiety, depression, issues sleeping
Considerations for Dentists
Hypermobility throughout the jaw and cervical spine
Possible dizziness and light headedness with quick positional changes
Require larger than normal doses of pain medication
Anesthesia may have side effects
Modifications for Patients
Do not rest on the patient’s jaw due to jaw and neck hypermobility
Allow patient to take breaks to change jaw position
Use a small pillow behind neck and/or low back to decrease irritation
Hydrate afterwards