What is a Concussion?
A loss of normal brain function in response to head injury. It is a mild form of traumatic brain injury. Symptoms may begin immediately or in the days or weeks following. The majority of people will recover spontaneously in the first three weeks. Any concussion is considered something to be addressed to prevent longer issues.
Concussion Rehab
Blurred vision
Balance issues
Sensitivity to light/noise
Feeling tired
"Dizziness, loss of balance, and lightheadedness may be symptoms of vestibular dysfunction."
How Can Physical Therapy Help?
A Physical Therapist with vestibular and concussion training can perform an evaluation to identify your specific limitations. This evaluation combined with specific questions regarding your needs, lifestyle and goals will allow us to design an individualized program to return you to your life. Every program includes thorough education on symptoms, anatomy, treatment and recovery strategies to restore visual, cognitive, vestibular, balance and orthopedic systems.
Concussion Rehab can include the following:
Education to patient and parent/caregiver
Vestibular exercises for dizziness
Balance training
Soft tissue work for headaches
Core strengthening for headaches
School and Work strategies
Collaboration with doctors and school
Difficulty focusing
Change in personality
Difficulty with processing
Memory issues
Sleeping more or less than usual
Difficulty falling asleep